
Praying with Paul from Heartlight Eldon Degge turns the apostle Paul's writings into daily, powerful prayers.

  • The Power of God
    on October 11, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Ephesians 1:22-23Dear Father, God of our LORD JesusHelp me to directly experience the power of what you did when you made Christ head over all things for the congregation of your people, the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.My Father, I am part of that body, your church. How I thank you for that!I bless your holy name always!Never let me take it for granted, never let me neglect it!Thank you, Father, thank you, thank you!In the name of Jesus. Amen.Ⓒ 1996-2024 Heartlight, Inc. This material may not be reproduced in part or whole for commercial use without written consent. Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.

  • The Glory of God
    on October 10, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Ephesians 1:20-22Dear Father, God of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory.Help me grasp something of your glory as I compare my experience to the great power which you displayed when you raised Christ from the dead. You made him sit down at your right hand in the heavenly places, far above every rule and authority and power and dominion.Help me understand even more as I contemplate the fact that you lifted Jesus' name above every other name that is named, not only in this age but in the age to come, and that you put all things under his feet.In the name of this magnificent Savior. Amen.Ⓒ 1996-2024 Heartlight, Inc. This material may not be reproduced in part or whole for commercial use without written consent. Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.

  • The Greatness of God
    on October 9, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Ephesians 1:17-20Dear Father, God of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory.Give me a spirit of wisdom and of revelation so that I may truly know the Savior.Let the eyes of my heart light up with comprehension, that I may know how vast is the hope to which you have called me!May I come to know how truly boundless are the riches of your glorious inheritance that you have in us, your special people.May I understand to its depth how immeasurable is the greatness of your power in us who have put our trust in you.My Father, I have put my trust in you. I am one of your special people! Lift up your Son in my heart! Work powerfully in my life!In the name of Jesus I come. Amen.Ⓒ 1996-2024 Heartlight, Inc. This material may not be reproduced in part or whole for commercial use without written consent. Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.

  • The Secret of God's Will
    on October 8, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Ephesians 1:9-14Dear Father, King of an eternal kingdom,You have made known to us the secret of your will, the purpose which you set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time. Thank you, O God, for what you have made known - that you intend to unite everything in Christ - things in heaven and things on earth.Divine LORD, you accomplish all things according to your will. Thank you that we who first hoped in Christ have been destined and appointed to live for the praise of his glory. Thank you also that in Christ we who have heard the word of truth, the Good News of our salvation, and have put our trust in him, have been sealed with your own Holy Spirit.We exult in you, Father, because you have given us this Spirit, which is the guarantee, the down payment on our inheritance, until we acquire possession of it - for the praise of your glory!In the name of Jesus and by his authority I pray. Amen.Ⓒ 1996-2024 Heartlight, Inc. This material may not be reproduced in part or whole for commercial use without written consent. Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.

  • Heavenly Blessings
    on October 7, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Ephesians 1:5-8Dear Father, King of an eternal kingdom,In love you destined us to be your sons through Jesus Christ, exactly as you wanted to do.My heart overflows with thanksgiving and praise for this glorious graciousness which you bestowed on us in your beloved Son.Thank you that in him and through his blood we are forgiven of every sin and released from our bondage to sin - all of this according to your unfailing love lavished on us!In the name of Jesus and by his authority I pray. Amen.Ⓒ 1996-2024 Heartlight, Inc. This material may not be reproduced in part or whole for commercial use without written consent. Heartlight appreciates Eldon Degge and Meridian Publishing for permission to make this available on our website. Praying with Paul is also available as a book.

  • Hi my wonderful brothers and sisters , I am asking special prayer this week for the M Rescue Mission they will have an Easter Banquet this Friday for maybe 500 homeless men women and children they have it Friday so the men in the program can be with their wives and children on Easter! Pray souls would be saved and lives rededicated! GOD richly bless you brothers